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POSTAL CIRCLES Sarkari Result, Sarkari Naukri & Free Job Alert
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The postal circles or postal office jobs are part of the Government jobs in India covering both central and state government jobs. You can also sort all jobs by state as following:
Jobs by State Govt Jobs (All India) Govt Jobs in India Central Government Central Govt Jobs Andhra Pradesh AP Govt Jobs Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Govt Jobs Assam Assam Govt Jobs Bihar Bihar Govt Jobs Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Govt Jobs Delhi Delhi Govt Jobs Goa Goa Govt Jobs Gujarat Gujarat Govt Jobs Haryana Haryana Govt Jobs Himachal Pradesh HP Govt Jobs Jharkhand Jharkhand Govt Jobs Karnataka Karnataka Govt Jobs Kerala Kerala Govt Jobs Madhya Pradesh MP Govt Jobs Maharashtra Maharashtra Govt Jobs Manipur Manipur Govt Jobs Meghalaya Meghalaya Govt Jobs Mizoram Mizoram Govt Jobs Nagaland Nagaland Govt Jobs Odisha Odisha Govt Jobs Punjab Punjab Govt Jobs Rajasthan Rajasthan Govt Jobs Sikkim Sikkim Govt Jobs Tamil Nadu TN Govt Jobs Telangana Telangana Govt Jobs Tripura Tripura Govt Jobs Uttar Pradesh UP Govt Jobs Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Govt Jobs West Bengal WB Govt Jobs
Candidates for the above mentioned Postal Circles may check their status for Paper I by Logging into the website. Candidates, shortlisted to appear in the Paper II, may download the Admit Cards. |
Please keep visiting the website for exam schedules for other Postal Circles & updates. |
1. |
How to apply for the post? |
The detailed Notification/Advertisement and link for applying online is available at the website viz.,www.pasadrexam2014.in |
2. |
Can a candidate who is awaiting final result apply for the post? |
A candidate must have passed the qualifying 10+2 / 12th Class examination as on closing date of Registration. |
3. |
A candidate who passed out from distance education, can apply for this job? |
A candidate must have passed in the qualifying 10+2 / 12th Class examination from a Recognized Board / University. Applicants who studied in vocational streams in 10+2 OR Equivalent Examination are not eligible. |
4. |
For PH (physically handicapped) candidate what is the Age Relaxation? |
– Additional Ten years. Further any Physically Handicapped candidate seeking exemption to appear in Paper II needs to produce a Medical Certificate issued by competent Medical Authorities in the prescribed format. |
5. |
Whether NOC has to be obtained for applying by the applicants from PSUs/ Govt. Departments? |
NOC will be asked from the finally selected candidates at the time of joining. Before the registration Applicant is required to intimate the current employer. |
6. |
Whether SC/ST/OBC certificate in the State Government Performa allowed? |
– No, SC/ST/OBC certificate should be in the format prescribed for employment under the Government of India & issued by the competent authority. |
7. |
. Can an Ex-serviceman get any age relaxation? |
– Yes, as per rules of Government of India. Age Calculator: His/her Actual Age (minus) Number of Years served in armed forces ≤ 30 years. |
8. |
My residence is in Assam, Can I apply for Karnataka Postal Circle? |
Yes. One can apply only for any Circle but applicant should comply with eligibility criteria for column no 11 i.e. should have Studied in Local Language of the State / UT of the Postal Circle concerned or Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation Level. Similarly for seeking age relaxation/reservation under any category e.g. SC/ST/OBC, your certificate should be acceptable at the Postal Circle to which you are applying for. Your certificate should be issued by a competent authority in the prescribed format. No you can not apply for more than one circle. |
9. |
I am unable to complete the Application. It comes out and gives one prompt / message. |
– You are either Not Eligible to Apply according to criteria Advertised or not filling the inputs properly. Please read the Prompt and the “Instructions” carefully & Retry the Registration. For any further clarity send your query. Please mention any one of the problems i.e. Age, Category, Sub-Category, English Language, Hindi Language, Photo, Signature, Others in the “Subject” of the email to get faster response. |
10. |
I am unable to Upload Photo & Signature. |
– You are unable to see the Screen (webpage) to Upload. This may be due to reason that the “Popup Blocker” is ON at your Browser. Put it OFF using Browser tools. |
11. |
What to do if photograph and signature are not getting uploaded? |
– Please check the size of photograph (10 to 20 KB) and signature (5 to 10 KB) and format of files must be JPG or JPEG. |
12. |
Can the photograph and signature be uploaded at the downloading admit card? |
– No, the photograph and signature are to be uploaded at the time of registration only. |
13. |
have printed the FEE Challan. Where do I deposit the FEE and by when it can be deposited? |
You can pay your FEE in CASH at ePayment Post offices listed under the link ePayment Post offices on the Home Page of www.pasadrexam2014.in. www.pasadrexam2014.in FEE can be paid within five days after the last date of Registration. |
14. |
On checking FEE Payment Status, it says “Not Paid Yet” whereas I have already paid the FEE. |
– Post office is in the process of sending information. Please wait for 2 to 3 working days. |
15. |
If the print out of the registration slip could not be taken at the time of registration, can it be taken out at a later date? |
– Yes. The print out of the registration slip can be taken at a later date on “Login” using Registration Number and Password. |
16. |
Whether the registration number can be viewed again if the same has not been noted down at the time of submission of application. |
– Yes. The same can be retrieved from the email & SMS sent you at the time of Registration. |
17. |
Whether educational and experience certificates are required to be attached along with registration? |
– No. Educational and experience certificates are not required to be attached along with registration slips. These certificates will be verified for the finally selected candidates after the declaration of Final Merit List. |
18. |
any change in data allowed after the submission of application? |
– No. |
19. |
What is the FEE? |
Please refer to Notification/Advertisement. Payable Amount is either Rs. 100/- OR Rs. 500/- and is printed on the FEE Challan. |
20. |
. Will Admit Card in hardcopy be sent to me by post? |
– No. Only softcopy of Admit Card shall be downloadable from this website using Registration number and Password at the appropriate time notified on the website. Please visit the website regularly for notifications & updates. |
21. |
What is the model of written examination? Please give some selective book.? |
– Written paper will consist of multiple choice objective type questions only and will be OMR based. No specific book is recommended. |
22. |
What is the syllabus: |
– Paper I (Aptitude Test): 100 MCQs (in Bi-lingual i.e. English & Hindi only) covering: General Knowledge, Current Events, Sports, History, Geography, basis economics, general politics, Indian Constitution, Science Environment, etc. Mathematics of Matriculation standard covering number system, simplification, decimals, corrections, simple & compound interest, percentage, average, profit & loss, menstruation, time & work, time & distance, etc. English language covering grammar (prepositions, adverbs, conjunction, direct/indirect speech, singular & plurals, tenses, antonyms/synonyms, etc. Reasoning and analytical ability, etc. Paper II (Computer/Typing Test): Test on Typing and Data Entry in English/Hindi for qualified candidates in Paper I as per the rules of recruitments. Accuracy and Speed shall be evaluated of both Typing and Data entry tests put together tests. |
23. |
What should I do if there is lot of delay in accessing the page? |
Speed for Registration of On-Line Application on Internet, is based on various factors like Internet Speed, large number of applicants trying to register the application at the same time etc. Therefore if you are not able to get the pages for registration immediately, please retry after a gap of 15 minutes or during off-peak hours during the night. |
24. |
How do I know that my application is registered? |
Successful Registration is indicated by the Page displayed after clicking the Submit Button indicating the generated “REGISTRATION NO.” and “PASSWORD”. The same shall be sent through an email to email ID & SMS to mobile number of the applicant given in the application. |
25. |
I did not receive the email intimation for registration of my application? |
“REGISTRATION NO.” and “PASSWORD” are sent by auto-response Confirmation emails. Delivery of these emails purely depends upon the correctness of E-Mail ID provided, Policy of your E-Mail Service Provider to accept and Divert such emails under Bulk or Spam Mails or bounce back such mails without accepting it due to heavy number of emails generated by our Applications. In case of Govt./official /company Email Ids, delivery is controlled by your Company Policies. Therefore, please do not expect replies from us, if you do not receive such confirmation / auto-response Emails. “REGISTRATION NO.” and “PASSWORD” are also sent by SMS to mobile number of the applicant given in the application. For the problem of service provider, department shall not be responsible for non-receipt of email / SMS. |
26. |
After 10th. class I have done Diploma in Engineering. Can I apply? |
“A candidate must have passed the qualifying 10+2 / 12th Class examination as on closing date of Registration. |
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