Browse latest Engineering Jobs in India for various vacancy in the Government sector including Govt departments, ministries and organizations. Engineering jobs are available in the central and state governments enterprises for aspirants having B.Tech, BE, BSc, ME, M.Tech, Diploma and other qualification. The is your ultimate source for great engineering jobs including Engineer, Chief Engineer, Coordinator, Research Fellow, Field Surveyor, Researcher, Teaching Faculty, Project Fellow, Assistant Manager, Manager, Director and others.
Engineering Jobs Overview
India is a developing country and is in continuous requirement of research and development. A huge portion of this process is attributed to the engineers of the country. Engineering is one of the pioneering fields of science which deal with the development of almost everything that exists. The Indian Government and other industries growing in the country require engineers qualified in different fields for development, success, and meeting the missions and visions of the company.
Education Required To Become An Engineer
Deputy Director- Tech or B.E
Teaching Fellow- Tech or B.E, M.Tech or M.E
City Coordinator- Tech or B.E
Chief Engineer- B.Tech or B.E
Junior Research Fellow- M.E or M.Tech
Biomedical Engineer- B.Tech or B.E
Project Fellow- B.Tech or B.E
Lecturer- B.Tech or B.E, M.E or M.Tech
Researcher- B.Tech or B.E, M.E or M.Tech
Field Surveyor- B.Tecg or B.E
Name of the Popular Posts For Engineers
Deputy Director
Teaching Fellow
City Coordinator
Chief Engineer
Junior Research Fellow
Biomedical Engineer
Project Fellow
Field Surveyor
Deputy Chief Officer
Popular Departments to Work For An Engineer
Deputy Director- Cochin Port Trust
Teaching Fellow- Anna University
City Coordinator- Swacch Maharashtra Abhiyan
Junior Research Fellow- AIIMS Delhi
Chief Engineer- IWAI
Civil Engineering- Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Indian Railway Stores Service (Civil Engineering Posts), Indian Skill Development Service, Central Water Engineering (Group “A”) Service, and so on.
Mechanical Engineering- Indian Naval Armament Service, Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy, AEE in Border Roads Engineering Service, AEE in GSI Engineering Service Gr “A” and many more.
Electrical Engineering- Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy, Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO-II, Indian Skill Development Service, Central Power Engineering Service Gr “B” and more.
Overall, these are the most important things that an individual should know. So, if your dream is to become a future engineer, then the above-mentioned things will be of great help.